Love and acceptance

Complete and total strangers are looking for love and acceptance just the same as any of us

What do these media like postsecret tell us? They tell us that we have a inbuilt desire to know that we are not alone, that we need to be known and want to connect with others people. And that in our present society so may people are not finding this.

Jesus offers us a way to be connected with him (our ultimate deepest desire), and ultimately connected with each other. Through Him we are able to understand ourselves, know love and acceptance, and able to connect and love other people too (often people we would never have met in our ordinary circles of life). The church is called to demonstrate this community to the world. It is something that people are looking for and something the the church uniquely through Jesus are able to offer.

We want to be known. Who better to know us that the God of the universe.

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